Step 1: Access your Wallet:
- Navigate to the “Swap” section in the top navigation bar on our website.
Step 2: Choose a currency to swap and swap to:
- Choose your preferred currency to swap and swap to. It supports BTC, ETH, LTC, USDT and XSGD.
- Enter your amount and you will direct quoted.
Step 4: Confirm a Swap:
- Once you click on the "Swap", a 10-second “Coinut Swap Confirmation” screen will appear instantly, displaying the following details:
- Trading pair and quantity.
- Total amount payable or receivable.
- Click the “Confirm” button within the 10-second window before the quote expires.
Step 5: Notification
- You will receive an instant notification on top of the website indicating whether your swap was successful or if it failed.
- After your swap has been settled, a summary of the transaction details will be sent to your registered email too.
If you have any further questions, please contact us at We're here to help!
(Last updated: )
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